Trends I Want To Try This Year
I'm not big on trends. If I like it, I will wear it. I don't run to the mall to buy the latest clothes and shoes. I usually stick to the basics cos they are more versatile and wearable. But I don't want to be out the loop completely.1. Colors Colors Colors!
If you know me, you should know that I stick to white, black and gray more. I don't experiment much with colors but I'm trying.

2. Wide Leg Pants
I haven't tried this trend, not since my elephant pants days in high school. LOL I'm apprehensive of trying this look cos it might make me look fat. I have big round legs, yahknow.
3. Maxi Skirt/Dress
This is not very new to me. In fact I wore a lot of maxi skirts in my last year in university. I want to do it this year but with a twist. I need to revamp the college Jean.
4. Prints!
I'm plain plain plain plain Jane. I need prints. Period.